"DESCRIPTION 1"="Auto login can be used to eliminate the "Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to login" screen."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="Enable auto login ONLY if you have set the correct values before with the "Settings" plug-in."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="Be advised, your password and user name information will be kept in the system registry in a non-encrypted form and could be revealed if anyone were to logon locally to your machine and open the Registry Editor. We suggest only using this if you have non-critical data on your computer or if the machine is located in a secure physical environment."
"DESCRIPTION 4"="Please note also, that you can use the "Accounts and Passwords" applets inside Control Panel if you are using Windows 2000 or above to turn off the login window all togehter."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
Call MsgWarning("NOTICE: To log on to the system as a different user, hold down the Shift key after logging off and you'll see the regular logon dialog box again.")